Eastern Iowa Aquarium Society Auction

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Eastern Iowa Aquarium Society Auction

Post by dennysfishroom »

We just got home from Iowa about an hour ago. We had gon on Friday to see my daughter and to attend the EIAA auction on Saturday. Just to put things in perspective for you we left at 4 pm. They had started with 10 tables at 10 am. They still had 4 to go when we left. They finished at 8:30pm. The one auctioneer had sold around 8oo items, and they took in somewhere around $11-13,000. Prices were still good when we left. The variety of fish was also very impressive. I ended up with a pai of Pelvicachromis taeneatus, some Neolamprologus gracilis (?), a vinegar eel culture and some 10x24 inch bags. Lot's of fish were new to me. A really good auction to go to. Bidders from Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minneasota, Missour, and 2 people from Arkansas. I'm looking forward to going back this fall. Denny
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Re: Eastern Iowa Aquarium Society Auction

Post by sumpnfishy »

I love N gracilis! Breed those suckers! Glad you enjoyed it.
NWAAS Vice President
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Re: Eastern Iowa Aquarium Society Auction

Post by cbaranyk »

Vinegar eels!
Chris Baranyk
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