The Updated Forum Bulletin Board is Now OPEN!

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The Updated Forum Bulletin Board is Now OPEN!

Post by mewickham »

The forum bulletin board is now updated and open! The look and feel is much the same, but there are some new features that you will enjoy. Here are a few:
  1. The forum now works on phones! The screen will resize and reconfigure, depending on the device you use to access. Yes, you can navigate without having to drag your finger multiple times to see a whole page.
  2. Activity buttons. Red buttons in the upper right corner, give you quicker access to new messages, unread messages, and more. You can also still access these through the Quick Access dropdown in the upper left.
  3. Advanced message editor. It has a fancier layout, with more features, including new BBcodes for formatting.
  4. Blinking private message notice and counter. A reminder flashes, if you have private messages waiting.
  5. Member avatars now show in member list, and elsewhere—not just next to forum posts.
  6. Print all messages in thread. It is now easy! Click the dropdown arrow, beside the crescent wrench (tool) icon, above the first message, and click "Print all." You'll find some other useful tools in that dropdown.
  7. Private message mailbox status bars. When viewing private messages, it is now easy to see if your mailbox is getting full. A full mailbox can receive no new messages. Delete as necessary to make space and speed up forum performance!
  8. Topic preview. Hover over the title of a message topic to see sample text from the first message.
  9. And more!
Everything seems to be working great after the update, but please post a note here if you uncover any bugs or broken NWAAS links. (Links to sites outside NWAAS are out of our control.)
Mike Wickham
NWAAS Webmaster, Publicity Chair