Swap Meet Registration Form

For discussion of upcoming events in NWA and beyond. Auction rules and registration forms can also be found here.
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Location: Rogers, Arkansas

Swap Meet Registration Form

Post by mewickham »

Save time! Fill out this form ahead of time and turn it in at the registration desk. The form is good for both buyers and sellers. It is a fill-in form, so you can complete it on your computer for legibility. Otherwise, PRINT CLEARLY, so that we can read your handwriting.

Admission is free for all, with registration, but sellers must pay the $15 table fee (per table) before they can be assigned tables and load goods onto it.

NWAAS Swap Meet Registration Fill-in Form.pdf
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NWAAS Swap Meet Registration Fill-in Form.pdf
(20.52 KiB) Downloaded 236 times
Mike Wickham
NWAAS Webmaster, Publicity Chair