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Goldfish fry foods

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 9:20 pm
by kribkid17
Well my goldies spawned and I took some eggs and put them inside and shocker! They hatched and now I have fry stuck to the sides of my breeder box.

Re: Goldfish fry foods

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 7:20 am
by Jackielee
No shocker. They are very prolific. The hard part starts now keeping the fry going and growing. They eat well and about anything small. I use a dry fry food but lots of options they benefit from baby brine shrimp and very regular water changes. Seems like the grow best with lots of food and lots of water changes. Good luck.

Re: Goldfish fry foods

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 9:02 pm
by kribkid17
What would be a good starter food, they are so small compared to livebearers and kribs so idk what to feed them. Would I have to start an infuria culture?

Re: Goldfish fry foods

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 7:38 am
by Jackielee
Powdered food like golden pearls and other fine dry food work well. They can eat baby brine shrimp with glee too. Lots of good water changes and plenty of space are needed to keep them growing well.

Re: Goldfish fry foods

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:31 am
by godscreaturespetshop
When I had my first pet store, I had a lady buy a 200 gal. Fish tank from me. she wanted top of the line filters and all. She paid me to set it up and to clean it once a month.
Once I set it up I asked her what kind of fish she wanted and she told me fancy goldfish. With the money she spent to get the set-up i expected something a little differant.
Anyways after a few months of me keeping that tank clean and doing a part water change every month some of her goldfish laid eggs, but she said she didnt want to worry about doing anything special to raise them, she said lets just keep doing what we are doing and see what happens.
So thats what we did and pretty soon she had a 200 gal. fish tank full of fantails and such.
Why i said all that is I agree the main thing is the water changes and taking care of the tank.
As far as food she just fed them frozen brine shrimp and crushed flake food.
By the way she kept her water temp at 78