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whats wrong with my filter?

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 6:12 pm
by kribkid17
today while I was doing a water change, I turned off my filter. After I had filled the tank back up, I went to turn the filter on but nothing happened. The filter isnt working and I tested it with other outlets but it doesnt work. luckly, I have another filter so the tank is being filtered but the back up filter is really loud and the tank is in my bedroom so it might keep me up at night. Does anyone know whats wrong with my filter?

Re: whats wrong with my filter?

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 6:21 pm
by mewickham
You need to remove the impeller, then clean it and the impeller-well. What happens is, when you turn off the filter, if there is enough biological slime built up on the impeller magnet, it sticks to the impeller-well walls. It may then cause to much friction to allow the filter to restart. Another thing that can happen is, when the filter is off, bits of carbon or debris fall into the well and jam it. After cleaning, it should start right back up.

Also, never leave your filter plugged in when it is dry. The motor is water cooled. Sometimes hobbyists drain the filter for cleaning, but the motor is still plugged in and generating heat. It melts the walls of the impeller-well, deforming it. The impeller can no longer turn.

Re: whats wrong with my filter?

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 7:57 pm
by kribkid17
its all good, it just turned out it had a bunch of biological sludge located in the impeller chamber, and i have the best cleaning equipment, illegal in 4 states and 13 countries... the turkey baster and his friend... the toothbrush :D