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Plant Propagation

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 1:56 pm
by Blue-Ram101
My main tank is a heavily planted 55 gallon tank. I run 160 watts of 6500kv lighting. Also C02 injection etc. So of course the plants I have in the tank are absolutely growing mad! I am needless to say quite astonished.

Here is where my question comes in, I am planning on setting up some racks in another part of my house and will be buying some plastic storage tubs which I am going to start growing more plants in. The issue I am running into is that I am not incredibly familiar yet with being able to identify plants, and how to properly propigate them. I was wondering if there was like some kind of freshwater plant encyclopedia or web site where I could easily search all information in regards to a plant?

Re: Plant Propagation

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 2:53 pm
by mewickham
The best plant book out there is Christel Kasselmann's Aquarium Plants, but it's not cheap. It has lots of good photos, lots of good information, and the woman who wrote it is a real expert on plants and even travels the world looking for new ones.

Pablo Tepoot's book, Aquarium Plants: The Practical Guide is very good for identification, too. It's a photo book. The photos are full page. It has only icon keys for brief information.

Of course, you can always post pictures and we can try to identify them. Or do so on other fora, such as

Re: Plant Propagation

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 3:11 pm
by im2smart4u
My favorite online resource is There are a few people on that site that are VERY knowledgeable about plants. They also have some people that sell some pretty interesting and rarer plants in the Swap and Shop forum and from some of the power sellers. I have had many questions about planted tank setups answered there, as well as gotten some good plants for decent prices.

Re: Plant Propagation

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 4:03 pm
by Blue-Ram101
Thank you both! I will have to check all that out.

Re: Plant Propagation

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 4:32 pm
by etheonut
I will second plantedtanks, it is a very good website.


Re: Plant Propagation

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 9:25 pm
by stpierce
I third plantedtank and will say, additionally, that you can often post a picture of your tank and just use Microsoft Paint to put some numbers on your plants then ask people to ID them for you if you have some you can't quite figure out by looking at other people's pictures.