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What kind of fish?

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 8:11 pm
by Blue-Ram101
Well the 125 is up and going and of course I want some new fish! I currently have one dwarf gourami, gold gourami, 4 angels, 5 emporer tetras, 7 long fin serpae tetras, 3 German Rams, 5 otos, 4 Siamese algea eaters, 6 cardinal and 4 neon tetras. 1 Molly and 7 albino Cory.... Gosh thats kinda a lot lol. once noahs Ark Rogers is able to get them going to grab 3ish blue freshwater angels. outside of that, want a few more fish but not sure what. V maybe some more dwarf cichlids? been looking at the clown loach to... Open to some suggestions

Re: What kind of fish?

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 8:17 pm
by pinkrblu
Would really add more of some of the same tetras you already have. A large school of the same type of fish in a big tank is pretty impressive.

Re: What kind of fish?

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 8:50 pm
by Blue-Ram101
Was thinking of adding some more cardinals they are beautiful fish