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Interesting outcome...

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 11:49 am
by Blue-Ram101
So decided to try something out. the wife has a gorgeous beta all alone in his little enclosure. we wanted to put him the community tank but were a little nervous due to the fact of the two gourami angelfish and assorted long fin fish mixed with the betas natural aggression.

well we decided to take a day we were home and added him and watched for issues. amazingly no issues! there was a few inspections from the other fish but no pursuing and the beta has not become aggressive to any one he has staked a territory and does occasional patrolsbut that is about the extent of it. been about 4 days and doing great.

Now, I would never ever recommend this, but this was and will continue to be monitored daily as the wife stays at home. just thought I would share as the results were very surprising!

Re: Interesting outcome...

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 1:06 pm
by im2smart4u
It all comes down to the personalities of the individual fish. I have a betta in a small tank with 2 breeding Pelvicachromis Taeniatus, 10-12 juveniles, 15 two month old fry, plus 12 blue emperor tetras and a clown pleco. These fish have been together for months with no problems. The adult Pelvicachromis Taeniatus chase the betta away from their little coconut shell, and keep him away whenever they have a new batch of young that they are guarding, but other than that they leave him alone.

I have also had success with bettas in past community tanks. The only problems I have had were with bright guppies, that the betta would chase, and with fin nippers, who find the slow moving betta's fins to hard to resist.

Re: Interesting outcome...

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 1:26 pm
by Blue-Ram101
Yep, its neat to see their different personalities just glad his is alright!