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Tank is up and filled!!!

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 5:57 pm
by billandkerri001
Well I have my 40 gal up and water in.I do have a pic up but its not staying this way. I will keep the stump but the rest will need to go. Need the room for rocks and plants I want in it.I got to get a test kit so I can get it balanced. The driftwood stump in the middle was givin to me and she said she picked it up on the beach in Pensacola a couple years ago. My substrate is mostly all natural gravel and it gets really fine, I went to a local creek that is dried and shoveled up about 80 lbs and mixed about 25 to 30 lbs of colored my wife wanted mixed in. I washed it several times. I did take a water sample to a fish store about 50 miles away and had it tested due to this being my first setup with this watersystems city water. It is not to bad. Ph was a little low and no fish or plants in right now I need to do something to get my bacteria level up so I can get it to start cycling. I am ready to see some fish swimming in there... Now to go get some local flat rock to make some cave areas.