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Tank Maintenance

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 11:22 am
by dennysfishroom
We've been contacted by a lady with a local non-profit organization seeking help in maintaining a 1000 gallon aquarium they have at their office. Right now it's set up as a saltwater tank so I have referred her to In 2 Deep, but one of the options they are considering is to change it over to a freshwater tank. At this point I'm looking for input as to whether the club would be interested in looking at this as a project, and whether the efforts would be shared by all the members. Mike and I (and others if interested) may stop at their office one of these weeks when we go out to lunch to see exactly what we'd be dealing with. Please use this thread for any discussion and comments on this matter. Denny

Re: Tank Maintenance

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 12:11 pm
by snakeskinner
hope your experience at helping out is better than ours was. several years ago my wife found out a local retirement home was setting up an aquarium and needed help with donations and advice. She offered herself and helped out. they had been given a 55 gallon complete setup. She gave them advice on how to set it up and we gave them a lot of decorations and such. We brought them a few fish, some seeded media for the filters and a test kit to monitor the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate and instructed them how to use them and they were to inform my wife when everything looked good and they were instructed not to purchase anymore fish and that we would help them out. I already had located a lot of donated fish. Well, a week later my wife stopped by and they had taken it upon themselves to go to petsmart and wal-mart and picked up several oscars, some africans, some community fish, several pleco's and several chinese algae eaters. My wife was sick. she told them they couldn't keep all those fish together, let alone in that small of a tank. they refused to listen. We gave up and left them on their own.

it sucks helping someone out only to have them ignore your input and do things the wrong way on their own accord. hope this place is better at listening for you.. Kyle