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Floating plants

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 2:48 pm
by dennysfishroom
I've now got 3 types of floating plants. I've had fine needle hornwort for several years now, and just got riccia and Naja grass. Now the question is can I get them to grow? The Naja grass in particular was a pretty skimpy portion, but I've got them under 65K lights and a timer, so we'll see what happens. Maybe you'll be seeing some in our mini-auctions in the a few months. Then again, maybe I'll kill them like I usually do. Denny

Re: Floating plants

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 10:17 pm
by snakeskinner
Najas guadalupensis is the most common in our club. It seems to be like hornwort, grows like a weed for some people, dies for others. I can rarely keep hornwort alive, it falls apart on me in most cases. every once in awhile I have a tank it will do well in while the tank immediately next to it will all die. No clue. Najas will grow faster than I can keep up with. My mother-in-law had the same results with some najas I gave her. she finally got fed up with not being able to see her fish and tore 90% of it out :) I've had clubmembers that couldn't keep najas alive but had the opposite results with hornwort. Kyle