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You've got to wonder

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 3:50 pm
by dennysfishroom
I know I'm probably preaching to the choir here, but there have been several ads on Craig's List the past several months that just defy what we all know about our hobby. The prices listed for tanks are really unbelievably high. I realize that new hobbyists may not be aware of what tank prices are based on what they paid for their tanks, but they are really out of line. Then the sellers get all mad at a responder if they are told PetCo has "Dollar a Gallon" sales. They paid much more than that and don't realize that buyers aren't going to pay inflated prices just because the seller did. They also don't realize what used tanks are going for.

Then there's the person trying to sell a big Pleco for $40-50. They should at least check to see that you usually have to give them away when they get bigger.

Today a seller was trying to sell her fancy goldfish which she had purchased last year from one of the big box stores. She was asking $20, but you had to prove to her your tank was big enough, it had cycled (pictures of the test), and you had to keep it by itself. Give me a break. Denny

Re: You've got to wonder

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 4:30 pm
by sskruzr
Gotta love Craigslist!!!!

Re: You've got to wonder

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 11:54 pm
by fishbit
Not too long ago I was doing a trade for a marine fish on Craigslist, but I bailed out of the deal when the guy told me I had to bring my own water, I couldn't have any of his that the fish was in ! Has to make you wonder.


Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 12:08 am
by Chard56
I notice that alot too about overpriced tanks. A ten gallon tank with lid, gravel and filter: $30. Really? Who saw them coming? I have a friend trying to sell a 40 gallon bowfront and a 75 or 80 bowfront. Since he knows I'm a fish head he offered them to me first. That was over a year ago. Of coarse he still has them. 3 and 4 hundred dollars for a 75 gallon tank is outrageous bowfront or not. Just because he had money to throw away when he and his family got their inheritance he expects to get almost what he paid for it. If they are that proud of it and get mad when people offer half of what they're asking they'll figure it out (hopefully) eventually. I think it unfair for store owners to offer them half price in store credit too. That works out to a fourth of what it's worth. Some people are just not good with math either or understand the wholesale retail market. My business partner was getting 25% of the money for selling anything of mine in the flea market when I wasn't there. She wasn't happy with that and wanted 50%. She couldn't grasp the concept of a 100% markup. If I paid a dollar for an item and sell it for $2.00 and she gets 50% where is my profit? She was adamant about it and I told her not to sell anything of mine again. I basically turned my half of the store into storage. Of coarse that didn't last long but it took me over four years to get her out and now I don't have the money to do anything with it. I'm selling stuff at 25 cents on the dollar and anyone can talk me down further without trying too hard. I want everything gone. So if people don't need the money but want to sell their Aquariums at a few dollars less then what they paid for it I guess they don't want to sell it anytime soon.