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Axolotl babies.... Trying to raise daphnia

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 4:11 pm
by Sillyscienceteacher
I have had a daphnia culture going for a few months now. I have been feeding algae water growing in the back yard. Since the weather changed, my algae isn't really producing enough for my daphnia. I have several baby Axolotls and I want to continue live food. Any suggestions on supplementing or boosting algae growth?

Re: Axolotl babies.... Trying to raise daphnia

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 10:39 am
by Jackielee
Try Blackworms, get the live one and chop them up if you have to. You did not say how small they were but my friend raises his on them once they are large enough to take them. California Black worms on line sells them and the club buys once in a while. This is for the axolotls not the daphnia although I have heard of people keeping them as a culture together.

Re: Axolotl babies.... Trying to raise daphnia

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 2:41 pm
by Chard56
I have thousands of fish to feed so my cultures might be a little bigger. I feed my Daphnia soy flour, yeast; spirulina powder and a little garlic and paprika. I also keep quart jars of old tank water in the window sills for green water to suppliment the yeast/flour feed. Any Betta container within a foot or two of the flourescent lights will get an algae growth. The container gets a good brushing and dumped in the Daphnia tanks. Mine are the big Daphnia Magna and are fed to anything in a spawning tank or big enough to eat them.