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Salt water inverts

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 1:08 pm
by exotictropicals
I am currently running my own sea anemone propagation system and was wondering if this would be considered a plausible
Breeding operation for reward points?
I am breeding several species and sub species of anemone
My stock consists of
Epicystis crucifer aka flower rock anemone 2 successful spawns leading to 12 baby's 4 baby's from pedal laceration
Stichodactyla tapetum aka mini maxi carpet 2 successful pedal lacerations and 24 from manual propagation
Entacmaea quadricolor aka bubble tip anemone 12 by manual propagation 1 pedal laceration 6 from direct fission that is the anemone splitting it self in 2 or more clones there are also 7 different color morphs
Condylactis gigantea current stage in grow out process
Heteractis magnifica current stage in grow out process
Heteractis malu naturally spawned one week ago waiting to spot any baby's from spawn
Heteractis sebae saved 5 from petco they are in qt being treated with cyproflaxin this is a broad spectrum antibiotic for fish and inverts they are about 90 % more healthy than when I got them and they will be added to there bi tope aquarium as soon as natural cycle is complete
Also in each tank holds a pair of there natural hosting clownfish shrimp or anemone crab in hopes to get them to breed in a non stressful more natural environment for each species each tanks water quality is unique to each species natural environment
Specific gravity flow lighting ph alkalinity rock structure and and substrate was meant for each individual and hundreds of hours of research was done to ensure all has the best chance on natural development possible.
Thank you guys and please consider this!

Re: Salt water inverts

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 10:20 pm
by dennysfishroom
We do have a category for saltwater inverts. If what you have fits those categories, I don't see why not. Bringing the required 5 fry might have to be defined. There's also a limit on how many points you can get in one category as far as any awards. Any other comments? Denny

Re: Salt water inverts

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 10:59 pm
by fishbit
You can donate $5 to the club instead of donating five of your fry & still get credt on BAP.

Re: Salt water inverts

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 7:25 am
by dennysfishroom
I probably was a little unclear in my comment on the limit of points in in one category. You can get as many points as species that qualify, but most of the awards require a certain amount of points in several categories. Hope that clears that up. Denny

Re: Salt water inverts

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 2:47 pm
by Jackielee
Cool to know there is someone working with anemones in the club there. I am just settling up my salt tank to accommodate more creatures other than fish. Maybe we can talk once I get into a place that I can consider an anemone. BAP those things it is all part of the fun of the club and fish keeping. Jack

Re: Salt water inverts

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 9:36 pm
by mewickham
Awesome accomplishment, Rick! I remember the days people couldn't hardly keep anemones alive. It's good to see how far the hobby continues to progress.