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Pulled my first Jack Dannels today!!!!!

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 8:00 pm
by sskruzr
If you don't know pulling a "Jack Dannels" is, it's when you put fish in a tank, take them out, and a month or two later, babies appear.
Seems I was trying to breed some emperor tetras a couple months ago, and I know I saw some eggs and I know I saw some free-swimmers,
but never saw anything after a week. I have a ton of java moss in there so I'm not surprised there were babies. I had moved a trio of albino cats in there to get something going with them and was making a water change today when I notice 1 quarter inch emperor tetra baby. Unfortunately one isn't going to me any BAP points. Guess I'll try at a later date. :(

Re: Pulled my first Jack Dannels today!!!!!

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 10:54 pm
by snakeskinner
been there done that :) I had a group of spanner barbs I was working with in a 29 gallon when a heater stuck on and cooked all the adults. I pulled the heater and the barbs out and just left the tank sit for awhile. several days (or maybe weeks) later I noticed something move in the tank and found one fry.. too bad there weren't more. just recently I pulled a group of juvie Cyprinodon rubrofluviatilis from a 10 gallon and moved them into another tank to give me an empty tank for an auction in Texas (FOTAS last October). when I got home and started floating my auction fish, I found something moving in that tank and found several pupfish fry scurrying around the bottom of the tank.
