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Opening the ponds this spring

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 1:56 pm
by dennysfishroom
I decided I couldn't wait any longer to open my ponds this spring. I don't have the waterfall available for the big pond, but I decided to at least get the pump running with some circulation. I had a 2300 gph pump that I was using inside, but I was having problems with it. So far it's spinning like a top, so I'm glad I didn't throw it out (although that's still an option if things don't continue going well. The other stock tanks are on line as well (with a different pump), and so far so good. I was trying to level one of the stock tanks, but may have to keep working on that. I'll have to evaluate after it's been running for awhile. My big pond has a couple Koi in it as well as some goldfish. I'm not quite ready to put any of the "tropicals" outside just yet. Denny