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Keeping the Club Alive

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 9:45 am
by Jackielee
My wife sometimes says I ramble and tend to spout my personal philosophy on some subjects so bear with this old guy. All clubs have good times and less good times. It just happens but to keep a club going there has to be a nucleus of determined individuals who keep it alive. Sometimes that nucleus has to step outside of their box and try things that have not been tried and do things that have not been done. A hobby club needs to be fun and encourage participants to get involved and to have fun doing it. HAAS has had good and bad times but the leadership group has kept plugging along and tried to do more varied meetings and has added some new activities over the years. Notice I said leadership because it takes more than just a president or a cheerleader to keep a club going. It is up to all members to chip in and make suggestions and present ideas not just the officers. In the past you have had meetings in Arkansas that several of us from KC and some from Tulsa have traveled down to take part in. You have a good group of people and so it is something worth fighting to maintain. Spend some money on some guest speakers, plan some events out in the community, get more involved in Facebook and other promotional type media. I know there are many challenges to keeping a club going long term but the work it might take to keep the club active and fun is well worth the challenges and the effort to keep it. Club meetings are great places to share your hobby and to learn new things. Maybe it will take more speakers on different topics, maybe branch out some into the salt world, just do whatever it takes to keep going. I always enjoy my visits to the NWAS club because of the people in the club and my love of the hobby.