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Tip: How to Create an Avatar (Profile Image)

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2023 1:24 pm
by mewickham
Spiff up your profile, by adding an "avatar," which is like the profile image on your Facebook or other social media page. You can see my avatar at the far right (on a computer), or at the top (on a phone). It's a toothy piranha. You can put a picture of yourself, your favorite fish, or whatever you want. A picture of yourself makes you easier to recognize when meeting in person at club meetings.

To create your avatar:
  1. Click this link to go to the appropriate page in your user profile:
  2. For "Avatar type," select "Upload avatar."
  3. For "Upload from your machine," click the "Choose file" button, and then choose the file you want to upload.
  4. Click the "Submit" button to make it happen.
NOTE: There is a size limitation of maximum 80 pixels by 80 pixels, or 20K (20480 bytes). So you may need to shrink your image before doing this. If you need assistance, ask for help at: