Scuba diving lessons

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Scuba diving lessons

Post by sskruzr »

I'm planning on getting certified this spring. I haven't determined where I'll get trained. Anybody else intereted? It runs around $200 to $300
Corey Mohrhauser
NWAAS Treasurer, Auction Chair
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Re: Scuba diving lessons

Post by etheonut »

<someplace hot> yes I am interested, the question is the money.

Anyone know of any banks with loose security?


seriously? We have a language filter? How do I turn that off?
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Re: Scuba diving lessons

Post by mewickham »

You can't turn off the word censoring filter on a user basis. It's a forum-wide implementation and was setup before I became webmaster. However, as I recall, the system used to substitute completely unrelated words for cuss words. It was actually kind of funny, but I was typing a message one day that had a longer word containing a syllable that, alone, could be interpreted as a cuss word and so the syllable was replaced. My sentence no longer made sense, and I almost didn't notice that it had been replaced, so I changed all the replacements to a more generic <censored> to make them more noticeable.

Anyway, the feature is there, and presumably turned on to prevent profanity-laced tirades or e-vandalism.
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Re: Scuba diving lessons

Post by sumpnfishy »

Yeah, I set up the word replacements to be funny. I'm guessing that by "someplace hot" yours are more fitting to the intent of the phrase! :-)
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