Bad couple of days

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Bad couple of days

Post by im2smart4u »

It has been a bad couple of days to be one of my fish. First, one of the Honduran Red Points from the pair I got at the auction was dead in the bag when I got home. Then, I have had 4 fish die since then, from 3 different tanks. I lost the EBJD, one of my female Xystichromis "Blue Fire Fins", 1 of my German Blue Rams, and 1 of the fish that I got from the auction in Kansas City (I don't know what it was, some west african dwarf cichclid). The ram died first. It had been swimming funny and hanging out at the top of the tank. Then, a day later, the other three were dead/dying. The female blue fire fin was fine the day before, and dead when I got home from work yesterday. I never noticed any weird behavior or physical symptoms. The west african cichlid was just laying at the top of the tank, barely moving. The pair were all alone in a 29 gallon tank. It may have been harrassed to death by the other one, but I don't know. I never saw any symptoms with it either, until it was almost dead. The EBJD showed some symptoms. It had been hanging out in the top corner of the tank. It also had popeye on one side and the eye was very read. I bought some medication and treated all the tanks, and quarantined the EBJD and treated it separately, but it was dead when I got home from work today.

Needless to say, I am not very happy right now. Some of those fish are hard to come by, and cost me a decent amount of money (by my standards). I still have no clue what happened, and why it all happened at once. All the rest of my fish show no symptoms (but then again neither did two of the ones that died). And, while I will admit to moving some fish around to make room for the newcomers, some of the fish were never in the same tank or water as the other fish.

End Rant
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Re: Bad couple of days

Post by snakeskinner »

that stinks... hopefully things go better for you. I got home from the long weekend on Tuesday night and found most everything looked good except it appears one or more of my jewels have decided to get aggressive (or maybe the lack of food over the weekend) because a couple got tore up pretty good while I was gone. Kyle
Okarche, OK
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Re: Bad couple of days

Post by mewickham »

Bummer, Josh! The first thing I'd check is pH, ammonia, and nitrite levels-- just to be sure.
Mike Wickham
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Re: Bad couple of days

Post by snakeskinner »

yeah, I'd test like Mike said.. also, I'm not understanding which fish were together. what size tanks were they in and with what tankmates? was the west african a kribensis type or maybe Anomalochromis thomasi?

as for the redpoints, not to fear, I think Gerald has extras and will be coming to the meeting in about 9 days so get in touch with him and see if he can bring some for you (they might be younger)... Kyle
Okarche, OK
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