Map and Directions to Meeting Location

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NWAAS President
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Joined: Sun Mar 15, 2009 12:50 am
Location: Rogers, Arkansas

Map and Directions to Meeting Location

Post by mewickham »

The Northwest Arkansas Aquarium Society meets on the second Saturday of every month at the Millwood Christian Church.
Come at 3:30 PM to meet other hobbyists.
The program and meeting begin promptly at 4:00 PM.

Millwood Christian Church
3450 W. Pleasant Grove Rd.
Rogers, AR 72758
(just off I-49 exit #81 west)

If you're coming south on I-49, turn right on Pleasant Grove Rd.
If you're coming north on I-49, turn left on Pleasant Grove Rd.
Proceed down Pleasant Grove Rd. for a couple of blocks. The church will be on your left.
Park in the back.

Map below:

More detailed map here:
Mike Wickham
NWAAS Webmaster, Publicity Chair