Time for our semi-annual swap meet! All are welcome to buy or sell.
Free admission!
Rent tables for $20 each.
A limited number of tables are available. Reserve yours by requesting a table in a reply to this message, or in a reply to the poster message thread in our Facebook group.
YOU set the prices for your goods. YOU make the deals. YOU collect the money. BRING CHANGE!
Take home anything you don't sell.
All goods for sale must be aquarium related, such as fish, snails, aquariums, aquatic plants, fish art, etc.
As always, find full details, including registration forms and rules HERE.
NWAAS-swap-meet-poster.png (227.27 KiB) Viewed 2763 times
NWAAS-swap-meet-poster.png (227.27 KiB) Viewed 2763 times
Help us promote this event by printing and distributing posters!
NOTE: THERE WILL BE NO CLUB MEETING THIS MONTH. The auction will take place on our regular meeting day, AT THE SAME LOCATION, BUT DIFFERENT TIME!
I just want to say sorry to everyone it might be a day before you get a confirmation if added after this we were hit heavily in this storm and I'm not able to check as frequently as I was, we are okay and safe but there is alot of tree clearing we are having to deal with.