New BAP rules for member review

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New BAP rules for member review

Post by rpddink »

OK, here are the BAP rules that I streamlined for the club. The point of this was to try and make them more user friendly. I looked closely at about 9 different BAP programs and took what I felt was the best from each. So I'll post what I have so far, so that we can review them together and try to finalize the new rules.
Northwest Arkansas Aquarium Society Breeder Award Program.docx
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Re: New BAP rules for member review

Post by rpddink »

Northwest Arkansas Aquarium Society Breeder Award Program

Quick guide:
As a member of the NWAAS you can be recognized by your peers for your successes in the aquarium hobby! Every time you accomplish a successful spawn from a species of fish in your aquarium you will be awarded points or awards. You simply have to donate 5 fry from the successful spawn with the filled out NWAAS Breeders Report (found on the last page)and we will award you points and record your progress.

NWAAS BAP (Northwest Arkansas Aquarium Society Breeder Award Program) is a program open to any member of NWAAS. The over all goal of the BAP is to;
· Promote the breeding and research of aquarium fish
· Contribute to the society’s library of information
· Increase the variety and availability of fish to society members
· Motivate society members to actively participate in NWAAS
· Post BAP point totals on the NWAAS web site so participants can track success of members
Members who breed aquarium fish will be recognized by the society with awards for reaching NWAAS established point totals. The long term goal of the NWAAS BAP is for members to breed more difficult and rarer aquarium fish and encourage positive relationships within the society.

Society members who successfully breed fish and raise the fry from those fish to an age of at least 45 days will be awarded by NWAAS. Successful spawns will be awarded a point value based on the assigned value in the “NWAAS Species Point List” (found in the NWAAS BAP rules). These points will be cumulative over the life of the member as long as the member is in good standing with the society. Requirements of a successful spawn will be fry raised and maintained by the member to 45 days old from parent fish owned and maintained by member. The member will present 5 fry to the BAP committee at a regular NWAAS meeting with a completed bap spawning report. Fry must be identifiable as species listed on BAP spawning report by a BAP committee member. These fry will be auctioned at the meeting with all proceeds going to the society. Difficult fish to breed, Fish with a high monetary value, or historically small broods can be submitted to the BAP committee for review on the number of fry required to be donated or for the option of paying a reasonable fee to the society instead of placing fish in auction. Certificates and or plaques will be awarded at meetings when point values reach the following levels.

· Hobbyist Breeder 25pts (Certificate)

· Junior Breeder 75pts (Certificate)

· Senior Breeder 150pts, Requires minimum of 15 pts from fish with 10 pts or higher value (Certificate)

· Advanced Breeder 250pts, Requires minimum of 30 pts from fish with 10 pts or higher value and successful spawns from at least 2 different classes (Certificate and Plaque)

· Expert Breeder 400pts , Requires minimum of 50 pts from fish with 10 pts or higher value and successful spawns from at least 4 different classes (Plaque Update)

· Master Breeder 800pts, Requires minimum of 75 pts from fish with 10 pts or higher value and successful spawns from at least 6 different classes (Plaque Update)

· Grand Master Breeder 1500pts, Requires minimum of 150 pts from fish with 10 pts or higher value and successful spawns from at least 8 different classes (Plaque Update)

· Senior Grand Master Breeder 3000pts, Requires minimum of 250 pts from fish with 10 pts or higher value and successful spawns from at least 10 different classes (Plaque , standing trophy, and lifetime membership to society)

To receive credit for a successful spawn a member must meet the following requirements;
· All fry must come from fish owned by and kept by society member in tanks owned and maintained by same member.
· Points will be awarded to an individual membership or a family membership or a single member of a family membership but only to one of the afore mentioned.
· A minimum of 5 fry must survive in healthy condition to an age of 45 days and identifiable by the BAP chairperson or an acting BAP committee member. Difficult to identify species may require comparison to a published photograph for verification. Variations on age and quantity of fry required for donation to the society may be requested for fish with historically small broods or fish that need longer growing periods for proper identification. The NWAAS BAP committee has final authority in determining the identity of submitted species.
· Fish that are unidentified by the scientific community are acceptable and will be given a description by the BAP committee, but a fish that are simply unidentifiable to the breeder are not acceptable.
· Fry must be brought to a regular NWAAS monthly meeting with a completed BAP Spawning Report and given to BAP Chairperson or acting BAP committee member. The fry must be between 45 and 90 days old and in healthy condition.
· The container fry are brought in must be clearly marked with common and scientific names if possible.
· Points will be awarded to identifiable fish with a completed BAP Spawning Report and correct fry quantity turned in to the BAP chairperson or acting BAP committee member at a regular NWAAS monthly meeting.
· A point amount will be assigned the submitted fish according to the included NWAAS Species Point List. (Unlisted fish or requests for point reconsideration will be submitted to BAP committee before spawning of such fish and at the discretion of the BAP committee )
· Newly assigned or reassignment of points shall use following considerations; Fish, Fish availability, Water chemistry and environmental requirements, Feeding requirements, Spawning difficulty, fry rearing difficulty. Any reassignment of point value to a fish species will not be retroactive.
· Points will be award for each species once and only once. Validity of separate species will be based on the most currently recorded species names. (Renamed species will still only count once). Color variances and different common names will not constitute a separate species.
· Point credit for species with significant location related differences in body shape and or color can be submitted to BAP committee for approval and point assignment at the BAP committee’s discretion.
· Submitted fry must be given to BAP committee member for recording of points and donation to NWAAS for auction. Any member who submits fry must own fry outright with complete jurisdiction over the parent fish and the donated offspring. All proceeds must go to NWAAS treasury. If for reasons of historically small broods or high monetary value of fry a member may request to lower required quantity of fry or to make a reasonable donation to NWAAS to retain fry for their own purposes instead of donation to NWAAS. All requests are at the discretion of the BAP committee.
· Bonus points maybe awarded to any successfully completed spawn with the submission of a 200 – 400 word original article to the NWAAS web site. Article will cover all necessary requirements to reach successful spawn and any interesting facts of fish behavior or fry rearing. Articles submitted on 5 point or less fish will be awarded 5 additional points and articles on a fish with a point value of above 5 points or more will be awarded an additional 10 points. Articles will be submitted to a BAP committee member via email for approval.
· All members are responsible to make sure all points are recorded by the BAP committee correctly.
· Hormone usage in inducing spawns is prohibited

NWAAS Species Point List;
Class 1: Livebearers
5 points: Brachyrhaphis rhabdophora, Heterandria sp., Gambusia sp., Poecilias (guppy & molly types), Xiphophorus (swords, platys, and variatus), and All other Livebearers not listed in other point groups
10 points: All species in family Goodeidae, all species from genera Ameca, Belonesox, Chapalichys, and Xenotocas
15 points All livebearing halfbeaks plus all species with published brood records of less than 20 fry
20 points: Ataeniobius toweri, Skiffia lermae, and S. multipunctata plus All species with published brood records of less than 10 fry including: Allodontichthys tamazulae, Brachyrhaphus holdridgei, Gambusia alvarezi, Poecilia melanazona, Poecilia turneri, Poeciliopsis prolifica, and P. turraburensis.
30 points: Anableps anableps, Jenysia lineata, Skiffia francesae, Hubbsina turneri.

Class 2: Anabantoids
5 points: Macropodus opercularis (paradise fish, all varieties), Trichogaster trichopterus (all varieties such as 3 spot, blue, gold, Cosby and opaline gouramis)
10 points: Betta picta, Betta splendens, Trichogaster leeri (pearl gourami), Colisa sp. (dwarf blue gouramis, neons, and giant gouramis).
15 points: All species from genus Macropodus, except those listed in other point groups. All species from the genera Belontia and Trichopsis (croaking gouramis). All wild Bettas such as Betta smaragdina, Betta unimaculata and all other Anabantoid species not listed in other point groups.
20 points: Bettas in the coccina complex (coccina, tussyae, brownorum, livida, persephone, miniopinna, burdigala, rutilans) Helostoma temmincki (kissing), and Parosphromenus sp. (licorice & related sp.).
30 points: Betta albimarginata, channoides and macrostoma, Ctenopoma sp., Sphaerichthys sp. (chocolate gouramies), and Osphronemus goramy (true goramy), Luciocephalus pulcher.

Class 3: Barbs
5 points: None
10 points: All barbs not listed in other point groups, including Puntius sachsi (gold barb), Capoeta oligolepis (checker barb), and Capoeta tetrazona (tiger barb).
15 points: Barbodes everetti (clown barb), Puntius filamentosa, Capoeta arulius
20 points: Barbodes lateristriga (spanner T barb), and Any African barb species such as Barbodes fasciolatus, Barbodes macrops, Barbodes kerstenii, and Barbodes trispilos
30 points: Barbodes schwanenfeldii (tinfoil barb)

Class 4: Rainbowfishes
5 points Melanotaenia splendida (including all subspecies such as inornata and rubristriata)
10 points All species of the genera Glossolepis, and Pseudomugil, Bedotia geayi (madagascar rainbow). All Melanotaenias sp. not listed elsewhere. Telmatherina ladigesi and Chilatherina heikobleheri
15 points All rainbowfishes not listed elsewhere
20 points Pseudomugil tenellus
30 points: Iriatherina werneri (featherfin rainbowfish)

Class 5: Rasboras and Minnows
5 points: All minnows from genera Danio and Devario, Tanichthys albonubes (white clouds)
10 points: Danionella
15 points: All minnows not listed elsewhere, Rasbora trilineata (scissortail rasbora), and Rasbora borapetensis (redtailed rasbora)
20 points: All species of Rasboras not listed in other point groups Genera Trigonostigma, Rasbora, Sundadanio, Microrasbora, Boraras, Inlecypris.
30 points: Rasbora heteromorpha (harlequin) and R. espei

Class 6: Characins
5 points: None
10 points: Inpaichthys kerri (royal tetra), Nematobrycon lacortei (rainbow tetra), and Nematobrycon palmeri (emperor tetra)
15 points: Gymnocorymbus ternetzi (black tetra) and All species not listed in other point groups.
20 points: Exodon paradoxus (buck toothed tetra), Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi (black neon tetra), and All species of genera Carnegiella and Gasteropelecus
30 points: Paracheirodon innesi (neon tetra), Cheirodon axelrodi (cardinal tetra), Micralestes interruptus (Congo tetras) Serrasalmidae sp.(non-piranha), Thoracocharax sp. (hatchetfish) and all Abramites and Anostomus.

Class 7: Cichlids of the Old World
5 points: All mouthbrooders from genera Sarotherodon, Hemihaplochromis, Tilapia, plus Haplochromis burtoni and other closely related Haplochromis species
10 points: Steatocranus casuarius, all mouthbrooding species from Lake Malawi and Victoria, plus all substrate spawning African and Asian cichlids except those listed in other point groups
15 points: Etroplus maculatus, Haplochromis moorii, all species from genera: Lamprologus, and Steatocranus, (except those listed in other point groups), and all substrate spawning species from Lake Tanganyika
20 points: Etroplus suratensis, Teleograma sp., (except those listed in other point groups), and all mouthbrooding species from Lake Tanganyika
30 points: Cyathopharynx sp. and other Lake Tanganyika "featherfins"

Class 8: Cichlids of the New World
5 points: Archocentrus nigrofasciatus (convicts), and Herotilapia multispinosa (rainbow cichlid)
10 points: Pterophyllum scalare (angelfish: all varieties) Geophagus steindachneri, ‘Geophagus’ brasiliensis, Gymnogeophagus balzanii, Apistogramma spp., Parachromis managuensis, Thorichthys meeki, ‘Cichlasoma’ octofasciatum, Archocemtrus spilurus, Nannacara anomala, Neetroplus nematopus, and all substrate spawning Central, North and South American cichlids except those listed in other point groups.
15 points: All species from genera Caquetaia, Cichlasoma, Crenicara, Crenicichla (unless noted elsewhere), Geophagus, Gymnogeophagus, Heros and Satanoperca (except those listed in other point groups), Astronotus ocellatus, plus all mouth brooding species of South American cichlids except those listed in other point groups.
20 points: All species from the following Crenicichla complexes: lacustris, strigata, and vittata. Symphysodon aequifasciatus, Teleocichla spp. and Uaru anphiacanthoides
30 points: Acarichthys heckelli, Biotodoma spp., Biotoecus spp., Cichla spp., Pterophyllum altum, Satanoperca acuticeps, Satanoperca daemon, Satanoperca lilith, Symphysodon discus, Uaru fernadezyepezi, and Uaru sp. “Big Blotch”.

Class 9: Killifish, Mop Spawners
5 points Fundulopanchax gardneri, Aplocheilus lineatus, Aplocheilus panchax, Epiplatys dageti, Pachypanchax playfairi, Oryzias latipes (rice fish)
10 points Aphyosemion cognatum, Aphyosemion christyi, Aphyosemion schoutedeni, Aphyosemion fallax, Aphyosemion gulare, and Aphyosemion australe plus All mop spawning species not listed in other point groups.
15 points All species from the Aphyosemion diapteron group including Aphyosemion abacinum, Aphyosemion georgiae, Aphyosemion cyanostictum, and Aphyosemion fulgen plus All species from the genus Procatopus.
20 points Pseudepiplatys annulatus, and Kryptolebias marmaratus*
30 points: Lamprichthys tanganicanus
* Kryptolebias marmoratus can be BAPed under Native Fish

Class 10 : Killifish, Soil Spawners
5 points: None
10 points: Fundulopanchax sjoestedti (Blue Gularis)
15 points: All soil-spawning species with PUBLISHED* incubation times of five months or less
20 points: All soil-spawning species with PUBLISHED* incubation times of six months or more
30 points: Terranatos dolichopterus (sabrefin killie), and Nothobranchius rachovi
* Proof of publication should be copied and added to the BAP Form

Class 11: Catfish
5 points: None
10 points: None
15 points: Corydoras aeneus, and Corydoras paleatus, (including albino forms)
20 points: All species not listed in other point groups. Corydoras hastatus, Corydoras pygmaeus, Hoplosternum pectorale (dwarf hoplo), Ancistrus "temmincki" and “dolicopterus”.
30 points: Any species from the genus Synodontis, any species of "plecostomus" or "suckermouth" types (not otherwise mentioned), Dianema urostriatum, any of the “Wood Cats”.

Class 12: Sharks, Loaches, and Eels
5 points: None
10 points: None
15 points: None
20 points: Misgurnus anguillicaudatus (dojo or weather loach), Acanthophthalmus sp. (kuhli type loaches). All other species not listed in target group
30 points: Epalzeorhynchos bicolour (redtailed shark), Botia macracantha (clown loach), and Mastocembelus species (spiny eels)

Class 13: Marine Fish
5 points: None
10 points: None
15 points: None
20 points: None
30 points: All marine fishes.

Class 14: All Other Species
5 points: None
10 points: All Badis and Dario species
15 points: Carassius auratus auratus (goldfish: all varieties) and Chlamydogobius eremius (desert goby)
20 points: Koi, Scats, Mogurnda mogurnda, all others not in other point groups
30 points: Brachygobius xanthozona (bumblebee goby), Monodactylus sebae, Pantodon buchholzi (butterfly fish), "mudskippers", and all gobies/gudgeons not listed elsewhere

Class 15: U.S. Natives
5 points: Gambusia affinis, Heterandria formosa, Poecilia latipinna and all livebearing species native to the United States.
10 points: All Cyprinodon species (pupfish), Elassoma evergladei (pigmy sunfish), Jordanella floridae (Florida flag fish), and all other egglaying species native to the United States.
15 points: All "sunfish" except Elassoma evergladei, and all "minnows"
20 points: None
30 points: All "Darters" and Sculpins

Class 16: Freshwater Invertebrates
5 points: All FW snails from the genera Ampullaria, Vivipara, Campiloma, Pomacea and Marisa.
10 points: All crayfish and shrimp that reproduce through direct development unless listed in other points groups.
15 points: All crayfish and shrimp that reproduce through primitive development and do not require saltwater for larvae development
20 points: All shrimp and crayfish that reproduce by indirect development and require saltwater for larvae development.

Class 17: Saltwater Invertebrates
5 points: Bristleworms, Aptasia species anemones, and All other highly opportunistic species.
10 points: Tubeworms and mushroom anemones.
15 points: All hermaphodidic shrimp with direct development. All other anemones.
20 points: All crabs, lobsters, and other crustaceans not listed elsewhere.

Class 18: Amphibians
New class to be worked out.

NWAAS BAP Spawning Report
Name: Phone #: Date:
Date of spawn:
Scientific name: Common name:
Spawning medium: Tank size:
Temp: Filtration type:
Special water conditions:
Frequency of water changes and percentage:
Lighting type and hours:
Other tank mates:
Tank substrate:
Sexual differences in parents:
Prespawn behaviors:
Brood care (what sex and how):
Ages of parents at spawn:
Number of eggs at spawn:
Days till hatching: Days till free swimming:
Hatching method - natural/artificial:
First foods:
Chemicals used – fungicides ect. :
Food used to condition adults for spawning:
Request to withhold from auction: YES NO
Article to be submitted: YES NO

General notes:
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Re: New BAP rules for member review

Post by sumpnfishy »

I like the basic rules. I think some discussion is in order concerning difficulty and point assignments. I see some REALLY easy species to spawn as 10 points and higher and some species that are easy to spawn but take massive work to get fry that are only worth 5.
The only other thing we need to look at is transferring spawns from another clubs BAP. I believe we had originally decided that we would not allow it so we wouldn't have somebody start out as a Master Breeder before anyone else got started, but since we are starting over we may want to discuss this again.
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Re: New BAP rules for member review

Post by mewickham »

Nice job, Rick. One thing I saw lacking, though, was a classification for amphibians. Several varieties of newts, frogs, caecilians, and axolotls come to mind as critters commonly bred in the aquarium.
Mike Wickham
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Re: New BAP rules for member review

Post by sumpnfishy »

I'm not aware of any BAP programs including non fish vertabrates. That isn't saying we can't be the first.
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Re: New BAP rules for member review

Post by rpddink »

micheal, Thanks for your input! Do you have a list of the fish whose points you think should looked at? As far as the frogs and such I dont have any problem inculding them. Ive seen one or two bap programs with some in it I will check my paperwork. Also found a BAP program with a plant reproduction award system. (I will check on that too) mike If you have any suggestions on "points for frogs and such" We would love to see them!
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Re: New BAP rules for member review

Post by mewickham »

I'm not really sure on a point system for amphibians. I imagine that African clawed frogs, dwarf African frogs, and probably Surinam toads would be the typical varieties and not horribly difficult-- probably worth no less than 10 points, maybe more. Caecilians often deliver live babies unexpectedly, so are fairly easy. There won't be anywhere near five young, though. :) I have heard of people breeding the various newts. HAAS has a guy who breeds several color forms of axolotls. He is giving a talk at their meeting next week and could probably tell us the difficulty levels for the amphibians.

I also like the idea of having a horticultural class.
Mike Wickham
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Re: New BAP rules for member review

Post by sumpnfishy »

Mike would probably love an HAP program! It would certainly add to the availability of plant species in the club.
Rick, I'll try to put together a list of the species I think need adjusted. I can tell you offhand that Aphyosemion australe was the first killie species I ever kept and I spawned them in a plastic shoebox within a few weeks of getting them. I would say they are only worth 5 unless I was a rare example, but I don't think I am.
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Re: New BAP rules for member review

Post by pinkrblu »

Michael, I can't speak to the difficulty of breeding Aphyosemion australe, but you certainly are a rare example. :D
I can stop buying fish anytime I want. Seriously.
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Re: New BAP rules for member review

Post by Jackielee »

Hard to scale the difficulty level. Some of the stuff I bred the easiest was high point or targeted fish while some stuff I struggled with I had a heck of a hard time getting them bred and raised. Everyone would probably have a different scale they would assign to each fish so if you used points similar to other exisiting BAP point assignment it shoould serve you well.

Can I just transfer all my points from HAAS? :D I worked hard for all those spawns and I am approaching 800 points and 10 classes completed.

Great job getting this going!

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Re: New BAP rules for member review

Post by mewickham »

We should probably discuss the pros and cons of letting BAP points transfer from other clubs. I'd probably lean toward letting them transfer. I mean, if a person bred the fish, they bred the fish. However, I could foresee a situation where a person brings 240 points with them, gets 10 more with our club, and then the club has to spring for an expensive plaque right away without having the benefits of multiple batches of fry to auction or articles to post in the library. That wouldn't be fair to us.

Is there a way to work around it? Perhaps only transfer points up to the last breeder level? For example, there's an Advanced Breeder level at 250 points, and the next level is 400 points. So a person who has 320 points with another club could only bring 250 of them?

I'd like to find a way to recognize people who have already done the work without making them start from scratch, or making us foot the bill for plaques that were earned elsewhere.
Mike Wickham
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Re: New BAP rules for member review

Post by sumpnfishy »

At the same time, we could be allowing points for species bred when our club did not even exist yet. It seems a little strange. However, if Ted Judy (as an example, since he is on our forum occasionally) ended up moving here it would likely be difficult for him to earn points without rebreeding some of the many species he has already worked with. Hard to know which side to go with.
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Re: New BAP rules for member review

Post by rpddink »

Ok My plan for fish we need to review on points is to take those fish and cross ref. them with the 9 BAP programs I am useing as a modelthen find an average point total and compare ours to that average. As far as trans. points from other clubs I agree it is a two way street - dont want to harm anyones score but dont want to put the society in the spot of placeing a lot of awards right out of the gate - so hoe about a percentage of points are transferable not to exceed (x) points.
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Re: New BAP rules for member review

Post by rpddink »

Oh hee is another fact to think about - As our points stand right know in order to get to 3000 pts with our fish averaging 12pts each it would take 250 different species of fish to reach.
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Re: New BAP rules for member review

Post by Jackielee »

I was really just kidding about the transfer. I would never redo all the breeding that I have done but I am very proud of my accomplishments. Part of the BAP is that it is done with and to benefit the local club by the sharing of the bred fish to the club members and financially by selling them at mini auctions with all those monies going to the club. As great as it would be to receive recognition for the breeding I have done I would not expect that to happen and neither would Ted I am sure. We breed fish because we love the hobby and because of the challenges of breeding fish we might not ever have kept if not for the challenge of achievement. I have one more class to complete then I am done with BAP awards most likely but I will still breed more fish and if they are new ones that I have not BAP'd I for sure turn them into the club and maybe both clubs if I have that opportunity. BAP is not really like the Boy Scouts where if you transfer from one troop to another you expect to get credit for all your merit badges but in some respects that would be nice.
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Re: New BAP rules for member review

Post by sumpnfishy »

rpddink wrote:Oh hee is another fact to think about - As our points stand right know in order to get to 3000 pts with our fish averaging 12pts each it would take 250 different species of fish to reach.
As it should be. There is a good reason that very few fishkeepers can include the title Grand Master Breeder in their resume.

Re: New BAP rules for member review

Post by etheonut »

The rule could be "Can transfer X percent or points from their home club after being a member in good standing for Y number of years with NWAAS"

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Re: New BAP rules for member review

Post by rpddink »

I like that- But how many peaple would move pionts that have been members for years?
And it is a very valid point that it is NWAAS BAP and the points are in exchange for helping NWAAS and the society members.
I would tend to think that Maybe a level of master would be as high as we would let someone transfer in as. I think that to have more than one title as grand master you should probly work threw both - if you have a doctorate in med. from one university you dont automaticly get it from all the others but they will let you skip the remedial classes.
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Re: New BAP rules for member review

Post by dennysfishroom »

As a club, we would want the benefit of the BAP fishes for our mini-auctions. Denny
If it was easy, anyone could do it!

Re: New BAP rules for member review

Post by etheonut »

And you want to balance that benefit to the club with the acknoweledgement of skill that the person has already completed. I think that if you aren't willing to accept any points/accomplishments that a person joins with, then you will risk losing those participants. If you have someone that is active in BAP, you should encourage them to continue to be active, not punish them for moving and finding a new club.

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Re: New BAP rules for member review

Post by rpddink »

Yes, I personally feel that the program should encourage peaple to join and become active. I think the question is leaning more towards how much credit do we allow to be transfered. I just dont want the club to foot the bill for awards for things to be earned other places. If a person works up in points wihin the club they more than cover the cost for the awards by donations of fish and makeing knowledge and new fish available to members.
fear tends to be if peaple have a ton of points in another club some place then they can basicly join us and et another plaque and life time membership for $10.00. again I want it to be a welcoming - I also do not want to put the club "over a barrel".
This is something Im looking at in other clubs to see how they handle it.
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Re: New BAP rules for member review

Post by rpddink »

What about a small fee for transfering the points? Just enuff to cover the cost of a plague. This would allow full point transfer at no cost to the club and help bring in very experienced club members to the society and BAP program. An additional rule of " no transfer points qualify for lifetime membership, A minimum of (x) points must be aquired as a member of NWAAS to receive lifetime membership to nwaas.

Rule may read like-
Members May transfer BAP points from another BAP program If a transfer fee of (X) is donated to the NWAAS treasury. These points must be verified by the BAP Chairperson or acting BAP committee member. No transfered points will be awarded a life time NWAAS membership. To achive the life time membership award all NWAAS members must obtain a minimum of (y) points in NWAAS regular monthly meetings. All transfer points are at the discretion of the BAP committee.
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Re: New BAP rules for member review

Post by dennysfishroom »

This is supposed to be for "fun". Unless we're in it for some sort of competition, I don't see that we even need to be addressing it. Plus, why spend a whole lot of time and energy on a theoretical situation which probably won't even come up that often. Lets get the program up and running for our members to see how it works and get the bugs out of it. Denny
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Re: New BAP rules for member review

Post by rpddink »

ok - checked on Aphyosemion australe=

norwalk bap = 5pts
brooklyn bap = 15 pts min
calgary bap = 10 pts
atlanta bap =15 pts
gslas bap = 10 pts
gsas bap = 10 pts
average = 10.8333
so we are just under
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Re: New BAP rules for member review

Post by sumpnfishy »

I agree that it is supposed to be fun, but trust me there are some people who take it VERY seriously.
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Re: New BAP rules for member review

Post by sumpnfishy »

I wonder if they are factoring the greater difficulty in obtaining killies as part of the difficulty? But if that were true then Brachyrhaphis would never be a 5pt. fish either (that's another one I don't agree with, but I still need to do a list.

Re: New BAP rules for member review

Post by etheonut »

The availability of fish fluctuates with the times. I don't think that availability should be included in the calculations for BAP, but I am guessing that at least some clubs include them.

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Re: New BAP rules for member review

Post by mewickham »


I'm finally getting around to doing that grammar and punctuation check on the rules for you. I have a couple of questions (for all):

1. What do you think about changing the "16a: Ornamental Freshwater" and "16b: Ornamental Saltwater" classes to "Freshwater Invertebrates" and "Saltwater Invertebrates?" I've never heard "ornamentals" used to mean only non-fish. In the trade, it's typically used to mean both tropical and cold-water fish. Also, do the two groups have to be subclasses 16A and 16B? It seems to me that, if they must be separate, they may as well be classes 16 and 17. It would eliminate need for that odd line that says, "Class 16 is Broken into two parts, Freshwater and Saltwater."

2. Did we decide to add an amphibian class? (I vote yes.)
Mike Wickham
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Re: New BAP rules for member review

Post by rpddink »

Yes, I would agree. Lets combine the two into inverts. Do you want to go ahead and make the change or should I do it. I also think that amp. class would be good -I just know nothing about them or how they should be scored. would look for advice on that from someone who is wiser in the ways of the frog.
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Re: New BAP rules for member review

Post by rpddink »

Read what I said and I need to be clearer. Yes, lets do to classes 16 freshwater inverts. and 17 saltwater inverts..
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