pelvicachromis taeniatus fry

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pelvicachromis taeniatus fry

Post by im2smart4u »

Last night I noticed some eggs on top of the fake log that I have in one of my tanks. I thought that the pelvicachromis taeniatus was supposed to spawn in caves like regular kribs. Anyway, I am not sure what to do now. The eggs are in a community tank with 12 blue emperor tetras, 2 threadfin rainbows, a clown pleco, and a betta. The female is guarding the eggs, but neither her nor the male are being aggressive to the other tank mates. As long as the other fish don't come within a couple of inches of the eggs, they don't seem to care.

I am not sure what to do, or if there is anything I can do. All my tanks are community tanks right now. The only tank that doesn't have fish is a 5 gallon hex that has blue pearl shrimp in it.
04-11-11_0020.jpg (128.39 KiB) Viewed 7167 times
04-11-11_0020.jpg (128.39 KiB) Viewed 7167 times
Last edited by im2smart4u on Thu Jul 07, 2011 7:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: pelvicachromis taeniatus eggs???

Post by dennysfishroom »

Congratulations. It always seems to work out that your fish spawn either when you have no empty tanks, or when you're going out of town. How do they know? Denny
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Re: pelvicachromis taeniatus eggs???

Post by rpddink »

is the fish in the picture a taeniatus? It looks like my pulchers. Can you tell me the differance? would love to know how to tell them apart.
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Re: pelvicachromis taeniatus eggs???

Post by im2smart4u »

They are easy to tell apart in person. The picture just sucks. I have regular kribs in a tank right next to it. The taeniatus female has a an orange cast to her, with a bright purple belly. My regular krib females are yellow, not orange, and their bellies aren't as purple. Also, the male taeniatus has bright pink outlined dorsal and caudal fins. Sorry for the bad pictures, they are all taken with a 2mp phone camera.

Here is a website that explains the differences:
Here is one of my female regular kribs (pulcher).
03-31-11_2300.jpg (182.97 KiB) Viewed 7166 times
Here is one of my female regular kribs (pulcher).
Here is one of my female regular kribs (pulcher).
03-31-11_2300.jpg (182.97 KiB) Viewed 7166 times
Here is another picture of the female taeniatus.
03-27-11_2310.jpg (151.77 KiB) Viewed 7166 times
Here is another picture of the female taeniatus.
Here is another picture of the female taeniatus.
03-27-11_2310.jpg (151.77 KiB) Viewed 7166 times
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Re: pelvicachromis taeniatus eggs???

Post by rpddink »

Hey thanks
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Re: pelvicachromis taeniatus eggs???

Post by stpierce »

I know that my taeniatus fry never made it past barely free swimming in my 75 gal community that had 7 other taeniatus, a couple cory's, an SAE (my guess at the culprit), tetras, rasboras, and a pleco. I moved them into a 10 gallon and have had no problems raising fry. I am using microworms, flake, and lots of java moss to keep fry alive right now. Not the optimal diet, but there are survivors.
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Re: pelvicachromis taeniatus fry

Post by im2smart4u »

Well, I have 15-20 young now that I am not sure what to do with. The tank is already overcrowded, and now the parents have spawned again. They are herding their new fry around, and chasing off these. I planned on putting them in another tank, but the other tank isn't ready (and I don't have the money to buy what I am missing). The parents have been pretty mild, especially when compared to the regular kribs that are in the other tank. It still worries me though, because there is not a whole lot of bottom area in this tank.
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Re: pelvicachromis taeniatus fry

Post by stpierce »

I am sure you could find some takers around here if you are just looking to thin the herd out (pick me, pick me).
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Re: pelvicachromis taeniatus fry

Post by sumpnfishy »

If you can make it to the meeting on Saturday bring a couple bags of them and you will have more than one buyer! Fill out a BAP sheet too!
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Re: pelvicachromis taeniatus fry

Post by im2smart4u »

The problem I have is that I don't know what to sell them for, and I have never bagged fish. When I have given/traded fish to Worlds Under Water, I always just brought them in a bucket. I may have a couple of bags laying around from fish that I have bought, but I am not sure. As for price... I spent about $70 on the parents. I usually see an adult pair going for $40 on aquabid (of course then you have to pay $20-30 shipping). How much would young ones between .75 and 1 inch go for. Also, I am sure that whoever bought them would want both sexes, but I am not sure how to sex them. I do see two different looks. Most of them have a stripe down their side, but a few of them are pale with no stripe. I am not sure what this means, though. Actually, looking closely at the parents, I am pretty sure that they ones with the stripe are female, and the paler ones are male. I probably have around a 3 to 1 ratio of females to males.
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Re: pelvicachromis taeniatus fry

Post by Jackielee »

BAP are donations to the club. A nice gesture. Pricing fry for sale is always a challenge. most forum and club members like me are frugal and like to get $ 5 bags of fish but pay more for stuff we really want. You might use comparable pricing with Aquabid and see if anyone bites. Cool fish. Thanks for posting them.
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Re: pelvicachromis taeniatus fry

Post by stpierce »

A few months back I sold some Pelv. Taeniatus "Nigerian Red" on aquabid that were about 3/4". I sold them in groups of 8 and once I payed shipping I was getting about $2 a fish. I also had a bag die and I ended up eating the entire cost. Just something that will give you some ideas on pricing. Also many people don't really ship fish in the South right now because of the heat. Just some experiences and thoughts for you.
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Re: pelvicachromis taeniatus fry

Post by sumpnfishy »

Just post what you want for them and if it's higher than what we want to pay we'll let you know! :D
Really, if you need to get rid of them due to tank space then how much profit you make becomes a bit secondary.
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Re: pelvicachromis taeniatus fry

Post by im2smart4u »

True about the tank space... I am planning to move all the fish in the tank into a 29 gallon. I also have a 20 long that I got from Denny that I want to set up and use it mainly as a grow out tank. The 20 long is sitting empty in my living room under the coffee table at the moment. The 29 is sitting on the floor in my bedroom, but it does have substrate, light, water, and plants. In fact, I have had plants growing in there for a couple of months. It just doesn't have a filter. I am currently flat broke, so until payday next week I can't afford to get one. I was planning on building a dual tank stand next week too, if I have the funds for it. I want to build a stand to put the 29 on top with the 20 long sitting below it.

Price wise... I was thinking of trying to sell a small group, probably 4 or 5, for $10. I don't really want to make money off of it, but I would like to recoup some of what I spent on the parents. I would also probably be willing to make some trades for other interesting fish once I get the 29 and 20 gallon tanks running (or maybe trade some for a used HOB that someone isn't using so that I can get one of those tanks going).

Re: pelvicachromis taeniatus fry

Post by etheonut »

You may have said earlier, but what type of taeniatus are they?

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Re: pelvicachromis taeniatus fry

Post by im2smart4u »

I have pelvicachromis taeniatus "kienke". There is a rather bad picture of the female in this thread. The male is a tan with yellow along the bottom and bright pink fins. I will try to post a picture of him later, if I can get a good one. Some of the fry are already showing a little of the pink along the edges of their fins. Do a Google image search for some better pictures. Actually, it looks a lot like the pictures of pelvicachromis taeniatus "moliwe" too. Some of the pictures look so similar, that I don't see a difference.

Re: pelvicachromis taeniatus fry

Post by etheonut »

I will take 10 for $20.

I live in SW Missouri. Send me a private message and we will arrange a meet.
I better warm up my printer. I am a little low on twenties.

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Re: pelvicachromis taeniatus fry

Post by sumpnfishy »

Different names doesn't mean there will be much of a difference. When you are dealing with wild type fish you often have a location name attached to them so you can keep the populations pure. They are often very similar. This is even more true with killies. There are a lot of populations of Fundulopanchax gardneri and about half of them look the same to me!
Your price is perfectly fair. I'd happily take some. In fact, if you had time tomorrow (I guess technically it's today) I could pick some up for Kevin as well as I will in in SW Missouri tomorrow evening.

Re: pelvicachromis taeniatus fry

Post by etheonut »

Coming to SW Missouri?

Did they reinstate your Passport?

Send me a PM if this is going to happen. I will be in Neosho until 5pm tonight (Tuesday).

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Re: pelvicachromis taeniatus fry

Post by im2smart4u »

I don't have the money or the time to drive up to Missouri. I live in Fayetteville and work every day this week except for Friday and Saturday. And, until I get paid on Friday, I have no money and no gas, sorry.

For anyone wanting to meet up in town, all I have is an hour or so window today between 5pm and 6pm. Wednesday, I should be free after 5pm. Thursday, I work from 3pm to 10pm, so no time except for early afternoon. Friday or Saturday I should be able to meet up almost any time, other than from 6:30pm to 8:30pm Friday when I will be at the Jones Center. Anyone who wants to meet up during those times can just shoot me a pm
Last edited by im2smart4u on Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: pelvicachromis taeniatus fry

Post by sumpnfishy »

PM sent to both of you.

Re: pelvicachromis taeniatus fry

Post by etheonut »

I haven't gotten a PM yet. Now I will have to cry. :cry:

Michael, we should go out this weekend! We could hide fish delivery as a collecting trip.

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Re: pelvicachromis taeniatus fry

Post by im2smart4u »

I never got a pm from you, Micheal. The only pm I received was from stpierce. I seem to have 3 people interested in getting some, but I only have about 12-15 young at the moment... (I think. It is hard to count the ones hiding in the java moss.) The parents are raising another batch of 12-15 (that I can see) right now, so I should have a few more in a couple of months.
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Re: pelvicachromis taeniatus fry

Post by sumpnfishy »

I had some PM problems but I resent and I thought it went through. Kevin, good idea. I could probably get the fish Friday and I can wait for the next batch anyway.
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Re: pelvicachromis taeniatus fry

Post by tboy »

I realize this is an old post, but was wanting to inform those that don't know, but a couple of months ago Dr. Anton Lamboj and his panel has renamed all pelvicachromis taeniatus. To sum it up, this a quote from his document, "all from Nigeria and Benin is now Pelvicachromis taeniatus. The former P. taeniatus "Wouri" is now known as P. drachenfelsi and all remaining forms from Cameroon (Moloiwe, Ndonga, Kienke, Lobe, Nyete, Bandewouri, Lokounde, and so on) and now P. kribensis followed by their location point. If anyone is interested I have the whole breakdown on a PDF file straight from Dr. Lamboj.
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