Halloween tank decorations

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Halloween tank decorations

Post by mistymists »

So, I'm huge into halloween and I'm wanting to change up my tank decor for the holiday (okay maybe all year round) but I can't seem to find anything that's really "scary" and not "cutesy" for aquarium decor. So I started looking into those little towns setups people do for parts. my only concern is that it'll kill the fish/crayfish. http://www.amazon.com/Department-56-Village-Tombstones-St/dp/B000Q7Q1RI/ref=sr_1_15?s=home-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1314716409&sr=1-15 here's something that I'm looking at. Any suggestions would be great.
One day I will have at least one tank in every room in my house. Three down so many more to go!