Geocaching podcasts/video

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Geocaching podcasts/video

Post by pinkrblu »

Alrighty, guys... This is certainly "off topic"... My new media tech class is having a contest. Each group was tasked with creating 3 podcasts and one vodcast. The group with the most hits, (complete listens or views) on their media wins the semester-long challenge. Now, keep in mind, I am a communications major, not a math major, but if I did my math correctly, our group lacks only 35 hits to tie the total of all the other groups hits combined. I think it would be awesome if we could get just a few more people to listen/watch and share the links with their friends, and blow the competition the rest of the way out of the water. The podcasts are Geocaching 101: Geocaching 102: , Geocaching 103: and the vodcast, on YouTube, is MSSU Campus Cachers:

I now have a mere two weeks of classes before finals, which I am not sure I even have to take at this point. Thanks, everyone, for all the support you guys have given me during my college years!
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Re: Geocaching podcasts/video

Post by mewickham »

Hey, they spelled your name wrong in the vodcast credits!

Nice job on the broadcasts. They were informative and interesting. It makes me want to dig out my GPS and go geocaching. One minor gripe, though, is that the sound levels were quite different for each speaker, requiring me turn the volume up or down at various times. Whoever does the sound editing might want to try to balance it more in future 'casts.

Anyway, chalk up another set of hits for all four of them.
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Re: Geocaching podcasts/video

Post by pinkrblu »

Lol, yeah... But you have to give the guy a little lee-way. He has only known me for three years and worked in two groups with me. Thanks for the kind words. The sound levels were something we were working with and finally gave up. The sound room has two mics, but only one worked. We tried different seating arrangements, etc... but it just didn't work. We are (thankfully) done with the recording. The group with the most hits on Wednesday don't have to go to class the rest of the semester (that will be four classes) and only have to write a paragraph... everyone else has to write a multi-page research paper.
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