Catching Up on My Reading

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Catching Up on My Reading

Post by mewickham »

For the last three to four years, I've not been paying much attention to my aquarium magazine subscriptions. I proofread the articles/columns I've written, to be sure the editors didn't mess them up, and then I've been throwing the magazines into boxes with the intent to get around to reading the rest of the content. But I never did! So, with no TV being all reruns this week, I've been using the time instead to play catch-up. I've been reading the articles that looked interesting, and skipping most of the ones that look like old news. After nearly 50 years in the hobby, most of it is, fortunately, old news, or I'd have barely made a dent!

Anyway, the Aquarium Fish Internationals and Freshwater and Marine Aquariums are now caught up. The Tropical Fish Hobbyists, Practical Fishkeepings, and Coral magazines are up next. I hope I can keep at it!
Mike Wickham
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Re: Catching Up on My Reading

Post by pinkrblu »

Sounds like the perfect way to spend the winter months. I've been reading a lot myself, for fun, instead of for classes. What a joy!
I can stop buying fish anytime I want. Seriously.
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