Swap Meet Rules

For discussion of upcoming events in NWA and beyond. Auction rules and registration forms can also be found here.
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NWAAS President
Posts: 2533
Joined: Sun Mar 15, 2009 12:50 am
Location: Rogers, Arkansas

Swap Meet Rules

Post by mewickham »

Tables are $20 each. Admission is free.
  • Reserve your table early to guarantee that you will get one.
  • SELLERS: YOU MUST RESERVE YOUR TABLE(S)! To reserve a table, find the current swap meet thread HERE and send a request as a reply to the message. Or find the swap meet poster thread in our Facebook group and reply to it with your request.
  • There are only 23 tables available, so don't delay.
  • Sellers: You can choose the location of your table on a first-come, first-served basis when you arrive.
  • Sellers: If you need power, bring your own extension cord, minimum 25 feet in length.
All items for sale must be aquarium related
  • i.e. fish, plants, invertebrates, aquariums, supplies, aquarium/fish art, etc. are acceptable.
  • All equipment must be clean and in working order unless noted.
  • No fish or animals native to Arkansas/Missouri/Oklahoma, nor sick or deformed fish may be sold.
  • Livestock must be healthy. No fish visibly diseased may be sold.
  • Please no Ziplock bags or sandwich bags for fish, but for plants are okay.
  • Fish must be bagged properly, 1/3 water and 2/3 air.
  • Plants should be bagged without water.
    Find full instructions for proper bagging of fish, invertebrates, and plants HERE.
All transactions are between buyer and seller
  • NWAAS does not offer any guarantees or referee any disputes.
  • Sellers are responsible for their own wares.
  • Seller sets the prices.
  • Seller makes the deals.
  • Seller sets the guarantees, if any.
  • NWAAS takes no cut of sales, beyond the table fee.
  • Seller collects the money and makes change. SELLERS: BRING CHANGE!
  • Seller determines acceptable methods of payment (cash, check, credit card).
  • Seller should consider bringing empty shopping bags for their customers' purchases.
  • Seller takes home any unsold items.
  • All purchases become the responsibility of the buyer when sold.
  • Any rules challenges shall be decided by the swap meet chair and are final.
  • The swap meet chairman or his designate reserves the right to reject any item from the event.
  • Neither NWAAS, nor the event location site, can be held liable for injuries, or lost or stolen items while on these premises.
Mike Wickham
NWAAS Webmaster, Publicity Chair