Tulsa Zoo/shop hop

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Tulsa Zoo/shop hop

Post by sumpnfishy »

So we visited the Tulsa Zoo today and for the first time did not have to leave with terrible weather (last time I had to wade through a foot of water to get to the car and pick up Johnthon and Clarine at the curb!). It was a good day for it but there were a number of things off exhibit. There was one tank they had on display marked "Pygmy Sunfish: Ellasoma evergladei" that had Celestial Pearl Danios and a freshwater neon goby. I wonder which one people thought the sunfish were?
After the zoo we stopped by a couple of shops.
First we went to Aquarium Oddballs. It was a nice store with helpful employees. They had the largest selection of coral frags I've ever seen. Probably close to 200 of them if not more! The bad thing is that there were three species I saw that I liked that the only person who knew the freshwater couldn't tell me how much they were or even which species on one of them. Johnathon liked a hifin lyretail sword so we got that and went on.
We were going to stop at Premier Aquatics but they had closed so we went on to Southern Agriculture. I have seen this store referred to as a big box store and "an Attwoods combined with a Petsmart". Don't believe it. First there are only 8 locations, all in NE Oklahoma, and my understanding is that only 2 carry fish. They had a very good variety and GREAT prices. They had beautiful 2 1/2 inch Marlboro Red discus that ALMOST made me forget that I prefer wild types, and they were only $20. Roseline sharks were only 20 as well and they had a bunch. I ended up with a Royal pleco for $25 and a Crinum thainum. They had some awesome Java Ferns, including a mother plant for $14 that I sure thought about getting. If you go there make sure to check out the stuff for other animals. Four aisles of dog toys and another four of treats plus stuff for every animal you can imagine.
All three of these stores are right off of Sheridan so it would make a really easy shop hop sometime.

Re: Tulsa Zoo/shop hop

Post by etheonut »

Sounds like you had a great time there with your family Michael.
Like you I have never been to the Tulsa Zoo on a good weather day. Unfortunately every time I have gone has also been with multiple buses full of students too. That just adds to the jolly.

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