recent visit to NW Arkansas

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recent visit to NW Arkansas

Post by snakeskinner »

it was nice to see some of you guys again and to meet some new ones as well. I'm glad I was able to make it over to the auction this past weekend. I was very pleased with the money I got for the items I sold and for what I picked up at the auction as well. Well done NWAAS...

I also made the trip over to do a little vacationing in the area with my wife. After we left the auction (and late lunch at DQ), we had planned on staying in Rogers for the evening but ended up heading around the south end of Beaver lake and ended up just going on into Eureka Springs for the evening. Sunday we headed out late in the morning and stopped at the Turpentine Creek wildlife refuge and then on to War Eagle Cavern.. Just FYI, while at the cavern, they have a boat dock and ramp that they allow people to visit by boat. I was browsing around the dock and noticed a lot of Fundulus (either olivaceous or notatus from what I could see) around the banks so if any of you are interested, it looks like there are killifish in Beaver lake.. We ate lunch at the War Eagle Mill and headed back to Eureka springs to check into our lodging and had dinner in town. We stayed in town all day Monday and then Tuesday morning headed out. We had planned to drive straight home Tuesday but ended up making a couple stops along the way including Blue Springs between Eureka Springs and Denny's place.. I wasn't sure what to expect but it was actually pretty cool. I even got a chance to try out my waterproof camera and shot a little video under the water where they let you dip your feet in and such. I'll have to figure out how to get it online and post it one of these days...

After hearing all the people talking about fishing in the area, I think I'm going to have to come back for a few days strictly as a fishing excursion to the Beaver lake area... Kyle
Okarche, OK